Distributor – Demo request Abelio

Are you a distributor interested in our solution?

Contact us to discuss your needs and discover our different tools.

Request a demo of Abelio!

  • Interoperable solution
  • Overview
  • Easy to use
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Sales brochure

Download our sales brochure

Find all the information you need directly in our sales brochure.

  • Our packages
  • Our features
  • Our tools
sales brochure demo request abelio

Over 140 distributors have trusted us so far

Our solutions

Discover our 4 tools for an all-in-one solution


Optimization of fertilization

Use the right amount of fertiliser in the right place and maximise the profitability of your plot.


Irrigation control

Estimate the exact water consumption of your plots and optimize the use of this resource for when your crops need it.


Forecasting of growth stages and diseases

View the state of health and the development of your crops at a glance and reduce use of plant protection products.


Weed detection

Spot weeds easily, gain efficacy, and reduce your treatment costs.


More about Abelio

Discover all the little extras + our decision-making support tools.

A recognized solution

Our tools are recognized by the farming world and approved by the BPI, the Région Occitanie and also the Caisse des Dépôts.

Daily support

Make the most of technical support 5 days a week with a person assigned to assist you in using your modulation maps or whenever you need help.

A 100% French solution

Abelio is based in Toulouse. Our head office, our after sales service and all our teams are based in France.

Web apps and mobiles suitable for everyone

Our apps are intuitive and easy to use. You have three different access levels according to your profile, making it easy to use.

Interoperable tools

Our tools are compatible with most traceability tools and our modulation files are integrated into the consoles of your agricultural machinery.

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