Mobile app Abelio

The “Tour de Plaine” mobile app is with you everywhere

With the Tour de Plaine app, access detailed monitoring of what is happening in each of your plots and adjust your parameters according to your observations and field actions.

  • View your plots at a glance on the map
  • Notifications in real time
  • Consultation of maps
Header mobile app abelio notification


From your mobile app, view

All the data on your farm

View the general data on all your Abelio tools as well as the weather forecast for the coming days.

All your detailed data offer by offer

Detection of diseases, irrigation, blight, etc. Choose the tab you want to directly view the information that you are looking for.

Your various data plot by plot

Access all the data on each of your plots on a single screen.


Discover the Abelio -Tour de Plain features

Overall features

  • Current and future weather forecasts: rainfall, humidity, wind
  • Map view displaying all the plots, date of most recent image and the possibility to see the NDVI (vegetation index) and the list of plots
  • Treatment windows by product for all the plots on the farm under consideration

Features for irrigation control

  • Status of current and imminent water stress
  • Date of the next estimated irrigation
  • Resetting of different parameters of the irrigation forecast model
  • SMS alerts if water stress is imminent
Application mobile / mobile app Abelio Fonctionnalité pilotage d'irrigation

Features for forecasting growth stages and diseases

  • Viewing the stage in progress and its evolution over the next 7 days
  • Overview of disease risk plot by plot
  • Plot by plot reports sent automatically by email: every day, 2 days, 3 days, or weekly
  • SMS alert and notifications in the event of high risk
mobile app abelio 1

Mildew forecast

  • Detailed view of the various development and propagation parameters of the disease
  • Details of disease evolution hour by hour
Application mobile / mobile app Abelio - Prévision du mildiou

Features for optimizing fertilization

  • Automatic or manual inter-plot modulation
  • Geolocation of spreader in real time
  • Dosage indication according to the different plot areas
  • Generation and sending of advice in PDF format from the app
Dosage map mobile app abelio

Features for weed detection

  • Detection and modulation maps of the area
  • Configurable maps (treatment area around weeds, treatment of borders etc.)
  • Feedback from field observations
  • Abelio Datura App: a mobile app that specifically locates datura on your plots
Application mobile / mobile app Abelio - détecter le datura et les adventices


More about Abelio

Discover all the little extras + our decision-making support tools.

A recognized solution

Our tools are recognized by the farming world and approved by the BPI, the Région Occitanie and also the Caisse des Dépôts.

Daily support

Make the most of technical support 5 days a week with a person assigned to assist you in using your modulation maps or whenever you need help.

A 100% French solution

Abelio is based in Toulouse. Our head office, our after sales service and all our teams are based in France.

Web apps and mobiles suitable for everyone

Our apps are intuitive and easy to use. You have three different access levels according to your profile, making it easy to use.

Interoperable tools

Our tools are compatible with most traceability tools and our modulation files are integrated into the consoles of your agricultural machinery.

The lab

The lab with our latest improvements

Discover all the latest innovations we are working on and which will soon be available on your web and mobile apps!

New console communication system
New crop for fertilization
Sowing density modulation


Are you a distributor?

Request a demo of our solution

  • Interoperable solution
  • Overview
  • Easy to use
Homme représentant un distributeur démo request solution distributeurs agricoles abelio


Are you a farmer?

Have your distributor install Abelio!

  • Dosage and detection modulation maps
  • Crop monitoring
  • Easy to use
Agricultrice partenaire d'Abelio

Sales brochure

Download our sales brochure

Find all the information you need directly in our sales brochure.

  • Our packages
  • Our features
  • Our tools
sales brochure demo request abelio
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