
Optimize the nitrogen fertilization of your crops

Optimize the nitrogen fertilization and maximize the yields of your plots with Abelio. Receive advice on your mobile app on the precise treatment to ensure the right dose of fertilizer in the right place.

  • Dosage modulation maps generated in one click
  • Customizable maps
  • Reliable farming advice
Fertilization dosage modulation map
average yield per hectare (Arvalis data)
+ 0 %
average nitrogen per hectare (Arvalis / Terres Inovia data)
- 0 %
protein gain (Arvalis data)
+ 0 %

Who is it for?

Our decision making support tool for your nitrogen fertilization input is designed for farms...

Growing cereal crops

Use our solution for your wheat, barley, rapeseed and maize crops.

Looking to limit their impact

Obtain the exact dose of nitrogen that your crops need


Optimizing fertilization in video

Discover all the features and benefits of our decision-support tool!


With Abelio,

Significantly increase your yields per hectare

Receive advice in real time and view the different areas of your plots so that you can provide the right dose of fertilizer in the right place. Therefore, you can optimize yields and increase your production by an average of 300 kg per hectare.

Avant fertilisation / Before fertilization Après fertilisation / after fertilization

Optimize your fertilizer use

Measure the needs of each area of your plots with precision and generate dosage modulation maps in a couple of clicks. Save an average of 5% nitrogen in areas where less is needed.

Safeguard your protein rates

Increase the quality of your crops so that you can sell them at a better price thanks to our decision-making support tool. Fertilize your crops depending on the plant’s protein content and according to its needs. For wheat, benefit from 0.8% increased protein per hectare.


The technologies behind our decision-making tool for your nitrogen fertilization input

Satellite data capture

Connected to the Planet and Sentinel satellites, our tool continuously gathers data on your farm. Receive accurate modulation maps thanks to satellite images that are updated daily.

  • Continuous data
  • Daily data updates in the app
  • Limits the prolonged absence of data in cloudy conditions
Dosage modulation map for fertilization nitrogen web platform
Mobile app Abelio - Irrigation Fertilisation Stades et maladies sur les cultures diseases crops

A mobile app

Get the best from our app which you can directly access on your mobile, view hour on hour the best time to fertilize your crops.

  • Geolocation in real time on the plot
  • Manual or automatic modulation
  • Maps with areas requiring fertilizer, dose to be spread
Web platform Fertilization diseases crops

A web platform

As the manager of a cooperative or business, benefit from an overview of all your plots and order the maps, advice and PDF reports for your farmers who will receive them directly by email and on their mobile app.

  • Configuration of access levels: farmer, cooperative, technician
  • Overview of the plots and modulation maps
  • Configuration and modification of plot data

Abelio in short…

farmers who use Abelio every day
+ 0
renewal every year
+ 0 %
seconds to configure your plots
0 sec

Our method

3 steps to optimizing your nitrogen fertilization


We capture your plot data

When your plots have been configured on your web and mobile apps, our tools capture their satellite images daily. Afterwards, our algorithms recover and process the data to provide you with advice.

  • Compatible with most traceability tools
  • Connected to Planet and Sentinel satellites

  • Daily updates of satellite images


Receive advice and recommendations

Our tools generate extremely accurate and productive advice for you. Receive advice in PDF on your mobile app or your web platform or dose modulation files suitable for your console according to the needs of your crop.

  • Advice on the plots generated according to their nitrogen needs
  • Email notification on the mobile app
  • Overview displayed on the web platform

Improve your yields

Provide a larger or smaller dose according to the different areas of your plots and get your results at the earliest opportunity after the date of fertilizing your crops.

  • Manual modulation
  • Automatic modulation possible depending on agricultural equipment


Are you a distributor?

Arrange a meeting with us!


Are you a farmer?

Have your distributor install Abelio! Contact us, we’ll do the rest.

Our prices

With Abelio, pay according to your needs

With Abelio pay according to the real number of hectares and plots with our tools and receive the first invoice from the first hectare signed up.

  • Payment by hectare
  • No obligation
  • Immediate deployment


More about Abelio

Discover all the little extras + our decision-making support tools.

A recognized solution

Our tools are recognized by the farming world and approved by the BPI, the Région Occitanie and also the Caisse des Dépôts.

Daily support

Make the most of technical support 5 days a week with a person assigned to assist you in using your modulation maps or whenever you need help.

A 100% French solution

Abelio is based in Toulouse. Our head office, our after sales service and all our teams are based in France.

Web apps and mobiles suitable for everyone

Our apps are intuitive and easy to use. You have three different access levels according to your profile, making it easy to use.

Interoperable tools

Our tools are compatible with most traceability tools and our modulation files are integrated into the consoles of your agricultural machinery.

The Lab

Discover what's new and upcoming

Discover the improvements and innovations on the way to optimize fertilization of your crops.

New console communication system
Model for rice currently under development
News crops


Ils maximisent le rendement de leurs cultures avec Abelio

Ils utilisent Abelio sur leur exploitation :

Avis 5 étoiles

“ Abelio a été notre meilleur compromis en termes de coût, d’efficacité de traitement et de réactivité.  Au début de notre collaboration, il y avait peu d’acteurs utilisant des drones capables de proposer une telle prestation, avec un suivi et une gestion facilitée.”

Aymeric Lepage

Conseiller en agro-équipement pour la Chambre d’Agriculture de l’Aisne


Our partners

A vast network of partner companies


They use Abelio for the fertilization of their crop

And they are very happy with it.

Avis 5 étoiles

“We chose to work with Abelio because they are a local, dynamic and ambitious business. A spirit of collaboration and joint construction is in Abelio’s DNA and that is what convinced us and we particularly appreciate their skills, land availability and their flexibility. Discovering their tool has meant hat we have improved our land representativeness in the field of tools for fertilization decision- making support.”

Jérémy Brochain

Head of the PV Tools and Services market at Arterris


Le média

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    Sales brochure

    Download our sales brochure

    Find all the information you need directly in our sales brochure.

    • Our packages
    • Our features
    • Our tools
    sales brochure demo request abelio


    Are you a distributor?

    Request a demo of our solution

    • Interoperable solution
    • Overview
    • Easy to use
    Homme représentant un distributeur démo request solution distributeurs agricoles abelio


    Are you a farmer?

    Have your distributor install Abelio!

    • Dosage and detection modulation maps
    • Crop monitoring
    • Easy to use
    Agricultrice partenaire d'Abelio
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