
Detect and effectively treat thistle in your crops

Reduce the amount of herbicide used with our decision-making tool. Obtain the volume of liquid mixture before starting treatment in order to effectively eliminate localized areas of thistle in your crops.

weed detection thistle datura
savings on herbicide for treating thistle
+ 0 %
reliability in weed detection
0 %
drone flight per plot


With our Abelio smart farming solution

Detect thistle in your crops

Receive dosage detection maps for specific treatment of thistle on your land. Customize the area to be treated around every thistle albeit automatically or manually and treat your crops locally.

weed detection Traitement adventices / chardons / datura avant weed detection Traitement adventices / chardons thistle / datura carte après

Reduce your treatment frequency

Save between 50 to 90% on herbicide with Abelio. Calculate the exact volume of pesticide required prior to every treatment and precisely locate the places to be treated.

Our technologies

Our technologies for detecting all the thistle on your land

Data capture by drone

Order a drone flight on the date that suits you. After flying over your plot, we analyse the images using our AI model and generate treatment maps for you.

  • One flight per plot
  • Ultra precise multispectral sensor
  • Results available a few days after the flight
Mobile app Abelio - Irrigation Fertilisation Stades et maladies sur les cultures diseases crops

A mobile app

Receive detection maps and area modulation and treatment maps directly by email and on your app. Choose the treatment area around each thistle, regardless of whether you use manual or automatic distribution and adapt the treatment either by cut off managed by section or nozzle by nozzle.

  • Visual reports in PDF format

  • Treatment maps suited to your console
  • Possibility of providing test sheets prior to the season
Tablet dashboard

A web platform

Enjoy an overview of all the plots and farms and choose the treatment range: from 2 to 10 m according to your material. Send and download your treatment maps and reports directly.

  • Overview of your plots
  • Configuration and modifications of plot data
  • Choice of treatment area

Our method

Remove thistle and reduce your use of plant protection products in 3 steps


Book your drone flight

Use your Abelio app to order a drone flight over your plots at least 10 days prior to the date defined for treating the crops

  • Compatible with traceability tools

  • Flight to be booked 10 days prior to the treatment date

  • Flight carried out by a remote controlled drone partner


Get your results

A few days after the drone flight, receive accurate and precise maps detecting thistle on the plot in order to treat them effectively.

  • Results available a few days after the flight
  • Detection and modulation maps of the area
  • Maps available on the mobile app and the web platform

Treat your thistles

Receive a treatment map for your thistles in PDF format and a file suited to your console. From 2 to 10 metres, choose the treatment area, whether automatic or manual, in cut off managed by section or nozzle by nozzle.

  • Visual reports in PDF format

  • Modulation files suited to your console

  • Reliable and precise results


Vous êtes un distributeur ?

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Vous êtes un agriculteur ?

Faites installer Abelio chez votre distributeur ! Contactez-nous, nous prenons le relais.

Nos études de cas

Ils sont passés à l’agriculture de précision grâce à Abelio

Ils utilisent Abelio sur leur exploitation :

Avis 5 étoiles

“ Abelio a été notre meilleur compromis en termes de coût, d’efficacité de traitement et de réactivité.  Au début de notre collaboration, il y avait peu d’acteurs utilisant des drones capables de proposer une telle prestation, avec un suivi et une gestion facilitée.”

Aymeric Lepage

Conseiller en agro-équipement pour la Chambre d’Agriculture de l’Aisne



They detect their weeds thanks to Abelio

And they have eliminated all their thistles.

Avis 5 étoiles

“Abelio has been our best investment in terms of cost, treatment effectiveness and responsiveness. At the start of our collaboration few people were using drones able to provide a service like this, with monitoring and easy management.”

Aymeric Lepage

Agricultural equipment adviser to the Aisne Chamber of Agriculture


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    Are you a distributor?

    Request a demo of our solution

    • Interoperable solution

    • Overview

    • Easy to use

    Homme représentant un distributeur démo request solution distributeurs agricoles abelio


    Are you a farmer?

    Have your distributor install Abelio!

    • Dosage and detection modulation maps

    • Crop monitoring

    • Easy to use

    Agricultrice partenaire d'Abelio

    Sales brochure

    Download our sales brochure

    Find all the information you need directly in our sales brochure.

    • Our packages

    • Our features

    • Our tools

    sales brochure demo request abelio


    Vous avez une question ?

    Comment se déroule le vol de drone ?

    Il est nécessaire que vous réserviez votre vol de drone 7 à 10 jours avant la date à laquelle vous souhaitez réaliser le traitement de vos adventices.

    En partenariat avec notre réseau de télépilotes, nous réalisons un vol de drone, avec un capteur multi-spectral ultra précis,  au-dessus de chacune de vos parcelles afin de détecter précisément les adventices.

    Vous recevrez sur votre application mobile ou votre plateforme web les résultats sous forme de conseils PDF, cartes de détection et traitement pour le chardon, cartes de localisation pour le datura, sous forme de fichiers compatibles avec la console de votre pulvérisateur, quelques jours après le vol.

    Non.  Les télépilotes sont 100% autonomes et viennent effectuer le vol à la date prévue sans que vous ayez besoin d’être présent sur la parcelle.

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